Selected Stories
A curated selection of my work, featuring both written articles and audio stories.
Barb’s Work: Selected Articles
The condition has long been considered untreatable. Experts can spot it in a child as young as 3 or 4. But a new clinical approach offers hope.
Photo: Lola Dupre
When one parent in a divorce has worked to prejudice the kids against the other parent, the last-ditch solution for some judges is to send the children to “reunification camp” with the mom or dad they can’t stand.
What new research reveals about sexual predators, and why police fail to catch them
Photo: Paul Spella/Katie Martin.
A university student assaulted multiple women before he faced any consequences for his actions. Why didn’t they come forward sooner?
July 15, 2019 | The Atlantic
Open PDF version here
Photo: Ken Wolter/Shutterstock.
Is God all in our heads—a product of brain chemistry? Or is the human brain like a radio that can tune into the divine?
Feb. 7, 2019 | Medium
Photo: Amaury Gutierrez
A bloodstain expert’s testimony helped put him in prison. But can forensic science be trusted?
Illustrations by Isabel Seliger
As long as there is easy access to guns, there’s no way parents, teachers, and other specialists can thwart every violent teenager.
May 21, 2018 | The Atlantic
Open PDF version here
Photo: Niv Bavarsky.
Barb’s Work: Selected Audio Stories
NPR's Audie Cornish speaks with writer Barbara Bradley Hagerty about her piece in The Atlantic on the children who are psychopaths, new treatment strategies and the brain science driving it.
Photo: Freepik.
NPR's Mary Louise Kelly talks with Barbara Bradley Hagerty, a contributor for The Atlantic, about parental alienation, which can happen when one parent uses a child to get back at the other parent.
Photo: Freepik.
Reporter Barbara Bradley Hagerty set out to investigate why police across the country often fail to catch serial rapists.
August 2019 | Today, Explained - Vox
Photo: Paul Spella / Katie Martin
Click below to listen to the episode.
A major investigation by The Atlantic finds that the police are still skeptical of women who report a rape. The reporter says a "subterranean river of chauvinism" is to blame.
Photo: Bill Smith (CC-BY 2.0)
Click below to listen to the episode.
"Rape - more than murder, more than robbery or assault - is by far the easiest violent crime to get away with." So writes Barbara Bradley Hagerty in a new article for The Atlantic in which she explores why the assailant goes free in 49 out of 50 rape cases. Hagerty talks with host Michael Krasny about her reporting and new information about sexual predators, including that serial rapists are far more common than previously thought.
July 2019 | Forum (KQED)
Photo: Paul Spella / Katie Martin